Dr. Michael Ryce will be appearing at the Center for Spiritual Evolution: The Center for Spiritual Evolution is located at 204 Spring St. in Cary, IL 60013
Sunday August 21st from noon until 3:00 PM he will be doing the workshop titled: “Why Is This Happening To Me Again?”
This will begin a series of Free workshops which will then move to Monday through Friday from 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM.
Monday night will be: “On Creating Consciously”, Tuesday night will be: “Healing Through Relationships”, Wednesday night will be: “Circle Of Life And How To Play It”, Thursday night will be Codependence To Interdependence”, and Friday night will be: “Naturopathic Keys To Health”.
All these workshops are being offered for free. Donations will be accepted but are not required.
Saturday August 28th Dr. Ryce will offer an “Intensive on Mindshifters and StillPoint Breathing”, if there are enough prepaid participants. There will be a $125.00 fee for this intensive experience which will run from 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM on Saturday.
Again the address is 204 Spring St., Cary, IL 60013
To get a sample of Dr. Ryce’s work you can follow the link below. http://www.youtube.com/user/PlanetaryHealing?blend=13&ob=5
Please email me if you have any questions. thayes@ch4cs.com
We come from Love, we are made of Love, we are Love. Everything else is false.